About This Blog

Welcome to my blog! This is an exhaustive list of all of the topics I will be writing about:

-going to school for medical knowledge
-applying to school for health-related careers
-interviewing/getting recommendations/general ass kissing info for healthcare programs
 -study tips (i.e. cramming)

-working in a hospital 
-cool surgeries and medical info
-what it's like in an Operating Room
-getting a health-related J-O-B
-tackling issues inherent in medicine (death, illness, stress, egotistical surgeons...)


-my post-grad life: mourning college and it's blissful freedom
-guest posts from post-grad friends
-my experience with moving back home with my parents
-keeping a long-distance relationship alive and other college relationship thoughts
-reuniting with old friends and making new ones
-planning an amazing future for myself

I gained many things in college, one of which being excess body fat. Exactly fifteen pounds of it. I never thought it could happen to me, but it did. Too much comfort food and sedentary studying, not enough salad and exercise. So I will also be chronicling:
-Healthy, mainly-vegetarian cooking, grocery shopping and recipe making
-My journey from extreme couch potato to that-girl-who-can't-go-a-day-without-exercising. Yes...me! 

Current me in young, male form


Due to my eldest-child syndrome, I get personal fulfillment by telling people about my own experiences so that they can know what to expect, and maybe make their lives a little easier. I hope this blog can be a place for people to either relate to or learn about the scary and exciting time that is life after college!

Thanks for reading! Feel free to ask questions or comment!